Android studio fragment get variable from activity
Android studio fragment get variable from activity

Because of this, it’s crucial that we implement it properly so our code strikes a good balance between being as optimized and concise as possible. RecyclerView is a very powerful and flexible tool available to Android developers.

android studio fragment get variable from activity

Today, however, we are going to focus on the more advanced Android view-type to present lists-the RecyclerView.

android studio fragment get variable from activity

My friend and team member, Brandon Carter, wrote a post about creating performant ListViews, which I highly recommend reading if you need to use a ListView in your project.

android studio fragment get variable from activity

The Android platform gives us two different types of views that can be leveraged to display lists of data-the ListView and the RecyclerView. In the mobile development world, regardless of the platform, lists that display data to the user are commonly used in many projects.

Android studio fragment get variable from activity